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Which of today's top languages were created in the 1970's?

Searched 4,851 files and found 433 matches in 2.32s.

Which of today's top languages were created in the 1970's?

title isLanguage rank type appeared
C true 2 pl 1972
SQL true 4 queryLanguage 1974
Pascal true 31 pl 1970
SAS true 34 pl 1976
Prolog true 40 pl 1972
Scheme true 45 pl 1970
ISBN true 50 schema 1970
Modula-2 true 55 pl 1978
awk true 67 pl 1977
Smalltalk true 78 pl 1972
Yacc true 81 grammarLanguage 1975
FTP true 111 protocol 1971
Rexx true 118 pl 1979
X86 true 122 isa 1978
TCP true 125 protocol 1974
Forth true 132 pl 1970
ML true 136 pl 1973
Tex true 157 pl 1978
sed true 161 pl 1974
GAME true 203 pl 1977
x86 Assembly true 205 assembly 1972
Makefile true 215 pl 1976
Icon true 225 pl 1977
IDL true 243 pl 1977
grep true 287 pl 1974
S-algol true 309 pl 1979
Lex true 323 grammarLanguage 1975
INTERCAL true 334 esolang 1972
Microsoft BASIC true 348 pl 1975
CSP true 349 pl 1978
SYMBOL true 359 pl 1971
Datalog true 366 pl 1977
M4 true 369 pl 1977
Bourne shell true 394 pl 1977
PL/0 true 416 pl 1976
Dc true 439 pl 1978
Z notation true 440 notation 1974
CLU true 443 pl 1975
S true 459 pl 1976
EML true 484 textDataFormat 1974
Tiny BASIC true 504 pl 1975
Diff true 525 unixApplication 1974
HOPE true 529 pl 1978
RATFOR true 571 pl 1976
Altair BASIC true 573 pl 1975
PL/M true 575 pl 1973
Commodore BASIC true 591 pl 1977
EBNF true 602 grammarLanguage 1977
PIC microcontroller true 633 pl 1975
Troff true 700 textMarkup 1973
CSV true 725 dataNotation 1972
Modula true 745 pl 1975
Up-arrow notation true 797 notation 1976
ROFF true 939 textMarkup 1971
TI-BASIC true 950 pl 1970
UCSD Pascal true 959 pl 1978
Applesoft BASIC true 960 pl 1979
Cesil true 976 pl 1974
TI Program true 1033 assembly 1970
Mary true 1046 pl 1970
Programming Language for Business true 1096 pl 1972
NATURAL true 1113 pl 1971
GRASS true 1132 pl 1977
FP true 1145 pl 1977
PEARL true 1148 pl 1977
WHOIS true 1152 protocol 1970
Molfile true 1169 textDataFormat 1979
BlooP true 1201 esolang 1979
ELLA true 1204 pl 1979
MACRO-10 true 1221 pl 1978
KRL true 1233 pl 1976
Mesa true 1238 pl 1970
Sinclair BASIC true 1242 pl 1979
Plus true 1246 pl 1976
PLZ true 1259 pl 1979
CLISP true 1362 pl 1973
BASIC Programming true 1375 pl 1979
LUCID true 1382 pl 1976
Integer BASIC true 1387 pl 1977
basic calculator true 1404 pl 1975
COMAL true 1411 pl 1973
Lisp Machine Lisp true 1439 pl 1974
Mouse true 1479 pl 1970
MACRO true 1502 pl 1979
C shell true 1509 pl 1978
MUSIC/SP true 1516 pl 1972
HAL/S true 1566 assembly 1972
CHIP-8 true 1570 pl 1970
Li-Chen Wang true 1601 pl 1976
BASIC-PLUS true 1604 pl 1975
OPS5 true 1611 pl 1977
RTL/2 true 1637 pl 1972
QUEL true 1658 queryLanguage 1976
Business Basic true 1669 pl 1970
z80 true 1686 assembly 1976
MDL true 1713 pl 1971
THEOS true 1739 pl 1977
Model 204 true 1800 pl 1972
PLEX true 1823 pl 1975
Processor Technology true 1835 pl 1975
Gist true 1895 pl 1977
DATABUS true 1909 pl 1972
DAP FORTRAN true 1922 pl 1975
Data Communications ALGOL true 1929 pl 1970
Euclid true 1940 pl 1970
PL/P true 1943 pl 1978
DDA true 1945 pl 1979
OBJ true 1968 pl 1976
MLAB true 1978 pl 1975
XPL0 true 2005 pl 1976
2-pak true 2018 pl 1975
PL/C true 2023 pl 1973
De Bruijn index true 2029 notation 1972
MAI Basic Four true 2041 pl 1974
ABC 80 true 2076 pl 1978
Irvine Dataflow true 2082 pl 1975
ALGOL 68-R true 2084 pl 1970
Augment true 2146 pl 1974
MACRO-11 true 2170 pl 1974
Nord Programming Language true 2176 pl 1974
SP/k true 2201 pl 1974
Mortran true 2206 pl 1973
EXEC 2 true 2207 pl 1970
Apple BASIC true 2227 pl 1978
Data General Business Basic true 2246 pl 1970
Refer true 2249 textMarkup 1978
Scratchpad true 2284 pl 1971
Eurisko true 2291 pl 1978
Text Executive Programming Language true 2311 pl 1979
Wirth syntax notation true 2312 grammarLanguage 1977
BASIC09 true 2375 pl 1978
ELAN true 2382 pl 1974
Cambridge Algebra System true 2388 pl 1973
SPIP true 2394 pl 1977
Nomad software true 2395 pl 1976
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System true 2441 pl 1973
Protel true 2457 pl 1975
SPITBOL true 2464 pl 1971
String diagram true 2465 notation 1971
CGOL true 2489 pl 1973
Little Implementation Language true 2492 pl 1974
Daplex true 2495 pl 1979
Blue true 2507 pl 1977
EFL true 2535 pl 1979
Rexon true 2541 pl 1978
SYMPL true 2544 pl 1970
AlphaBasic true 2549 pl 1976
BASIC-11 true 2550 pl 1976
PROIV true 2555 pl 1976
DEMOS true 2558 pl 1978
SAM76 true 2572 pl 1970
Digital Interactive Business Oriented Language true 2578 pl 1970
SASL true 2589 pl 1972
BASIC-E true 2591 pl 1976
Typographical Number Theory true 2599 notation 1979
Alpha true 2602 pl 1971
Secure Operations Language true 2605 pl 1970
Langage Sans Espoir true 2611 pl 1971
FLACC true 2667 pl 1977
NPL true 2677 pl 1977
IFPS true 2678 pl 1970
NorthStar BASIC true 2704 pl 1977
Alphard true 2712 pl 1974
Red true 2740 pl 1972
ssl-lang true 2741 pl 1976
EUMEL true 2750 pl 1979
muMath true 2753 pl 1978
Ethernet true 2758 protocol 1973
DATATRIEVE true 2824 queryLanguage 1970
PL-11 true 2826 pl 1971
ZOPL true 2828 pl 1979
PLAIN true 2859 pl 1976
TACPOL true 2868 pl 1976
Robic true 2880 pl 1975
ThingLab true 2881 pl 1979
Business application language true 2888 pl 1974
ed script true 2892 diffFormat 1973
Newton true 2925 pl 1977
alfred true 2947 pl 1972
ALOHAnet true 2975 protocol 1971
Ingres database true 2997 database 1974
nroff true 3021 textMarkup 1972
eqn true 3039 textMarkup 1974
Programming Language for the University of Maryland true 3067 pl 1978
CLASS true 3086 pl 1970
GRIN true 3090 pl 1977
SBA true 3097 pl 1977
sh true 3099 pl 1971
Escapade true 3131 pl 1977
Portal langage true 3140 pl 1978
EQS true 3170 pl 1978
ABEL true 3218 pl 1979
SCROLL true 3233 pl 1970
COPE true 3508 pl 1977
SHEEP true 3522 pl 1978
FORTRAN 77 true 3531 pl 1977
ETC true 3544 pl 1971
GLOSS true 3548 pl 1971
LESK true 3552 pl 1975
MADCAP VI true 3555 pl 1972
PLAN2D true 3559 pl 1976
RLISP true 3562 pl 1970
EXPLOR true 3586 pl 1972
Lorel true 3598 pl 1974
MSL true 3601 pl 1977
NODAL true 3603 pl 1972
RATSNO true 3612 pl 1977
REGULUS true 3618 pl 1977
Rosetta SMALLTALK true 3621 pl 1979
S-Snobol true 3622 pl 1978
ALGOL 68-RT true 3662 pl 1979
ARTA true 3673 pl 1970
ConCurr true 3682 pl 1979
Oracle true 3710 database 1979
IBM Programming Language/Advanced Systems true 3715 pl 1976
SYNPROC true 3724 pl 1970
TDMS true 3736 pl 1970
Teradata true 3742 database 1979
TICS true 3746 pl 1973
UMTA true 3771 pl 1974
UNRAVEL true 3774 pl 1973
Utopia 84 true 3776 pl 1979
VARLIST true 3779 pl 1975
VIPTRAN true 3783 pl 1973
WYLBUR true 3797 pl 1973
XSIM true 3805 pl 1977
ZGRASS true 3809 pl 1978
1.pak true 3810 pl 1973
3RIP true 3814 pl 1977
ABAL true 3815 pl 1974
Abstracto true 3819 pl 1979
ACL true 3821 pl 1972
ACSL true 3825 pl 1979
Actus true 3830 pl 1979
AEPL true 3839 pl 1971
AGL true 3842 pl 1975
ALADIN true 3845 pl 1971
ALGOL-E true 3854 pl 1972
AMBIT/L true 3863 pl 1970
CONA true 3877 pl 1977
english-programming-language true 3887 pl 1973
EXTRAN true 3889 pl 1978
filetab-d true 3890 pl 1978
ibm-system-38-language true 3900 pl 1978
microPLANNER true 3910 pl 1970
NJCL true 3914 pl 1974
Navigational User's Language true 3915 pl 1976
OMNITAB II true 3916 pl 1970
PL/S-II true 3922 pl 1974
Pygmalion true 3927 visual 1974
Sue true 3937 pl 1971
SUPERMAC true 3940 pl 1979
SYMBAL true 3942 pl 1972
SYNTEX true 3944 pl 1972
TACTICS true 3945 pl 1972
TOMAL true 3950 pl 1975
TRANSLANG true 3953 pl 1970
TWO-D true 3957 pl 1971
Zed true 3966 pl 1978
ABC ALGOL true 3970 pl 1973
Actors true 3971 pl 1971
AIDS true 3975 pl 1970
ALDES true 3976 pl 1976
AMBUSH true 3980 pl 1971
ANS MUMPS true 3986 pl 1977
APL/Z80 true 3990 pl 1979
APLGOL-2 true 3991 pl 1973
APLGOL true 3992 pl 1972
AQL true 3997 pl 1977
ASPEN true 4005 pl 1977
associons true 4006 pl 1972
ATOL true 4009 pl 1979
AUTASIM true 4010 pl 1974
AUTOGRP true 4012 pl 1972
B4Tran true 4015 pl 1975
BALG true 4016 pl 1975
BASIL true 4022 pl 1979
BEDSOCS true 4025 pl 1973
BGRAF2 true 4028 pl 1975
BIOMOD true 4031 pl 1970
BIOSSIM true 4032 pl 1978
BPL true 4042 pl 1978
C Header Files true 4050 headerLang 1972
cado-systems-technical-information true 4053 pl 1973
CAGES true 4054 pl 1973
CAISYS true 4055 pl 1973
CAMAC true 4056 pl 1979
CAMIL true 4057 pl 1978
CAYLEY true 4063 pl 1975
CELLSIM true 4067 pl 1973
CIMS PL/I true 4078 pl 1970
CLEOPATRA true 4084 pl 1973
CODIL true 4089 pl 1970
COMSL true 4095 pl 1970
Concurrent Pascal true 4099 pl 1972
CONNIVER true 4102 pl 1973
CSSA true 4116 pl 1979
CypherText true 4120 pl 1970
DIGRAF true 4137 pl 1977
Distributed Processes true 4139 pl 1978
DMAP true 4143 pl 1975
DOLPHIN true 4145 pl 1970
ECT true 4156 pl 1971
Edinburgh LCF true 4157 pl 1979
EDSIM true 4159 pl 1977
EL1 true 4162 pl 1970
ELMOL true 4164 pl 1970
Etude true 4171 pl 1979
FCPU true 4174 pl 1970
FORAL LP true 4180 pl 1978
FORAL true 4181 pl 1975
GLIDE true 4206 pl 1977
GPDS true 4209 pl 1970
GPGS true 4210 pl 1977
GPSS FORTRAN true 4212 pl 1976
GRAPHOS true 4216 pl 1972
Gypsy true 4222 pl 1976
HYPAC true 4237 pl 1970
Hyperlisp true 4239 pl 1971
IMP72 true 4248 pl 1972
INTERCELLAS true 4252 pl 1977
IQF true 4256 pl 1975
ISPL true 4260 pl 1971
KAIL true 4270 pl 1976
KL-ONE true 4280 pl 1977
KRL-0 true 4282 pl 1977
LABTRAN true 4287 pl 1972
LCF true 4290 pl 1972
LEGOL true 4293 pl 1974
LPL true 4310 pl 1973
Macro SPITBOL true 4317 pl 1971
MALUS true 4320 pl 1970
Meta-Assembler true 4334 assembly 1977
META/LISP true 4335 pl 1970
METASIM true 4338 pl 1973
MICRODARE true 4341 pl 1979
MINIVITAL true 4346 pl 1974
MIRAGER true 4348 pl 1971
Mizar true 4351 pl 1973
MLISP2 true 4352 pl 1972
MODCAP true 4355 pl 1978
MOUSE4 true 4363 pl 1978
MPGS true 4365 pl 1972
MRDB true 4366 pl 1976
MUMS true 4372 pl 1976
MuSimp true 4374 pl 1978
Nassi-Shneiderman charts true 4378 pl 1972
Netform true 4383 pl 1974
Network Control Language true 4384 pl 1978
OPS true 4410 pl 1970
OSIRIS true 4413 pl 1970
OSL/2 true 4414 pl 1970
PACOL true 4421 pl 1974
PADL-1 true 4422 pl 1978
Pascal Plus true 4432 pl 1979
Path Pascal true 4436 pl 1978
PDL true 4442 pl 1973
PFORT true 4446 pl 1975
PHYSICTRAN true 4449 pl 1971
PICTOL true 4451 pl 1975
PL/EXUS true 4454 pl 1973
PLANNER-73 true 4456 pl 1973
POGOL true 4459 pl 1973
POLAC true 4460 pl 1975
PORT-ALG true 4465 pl 1973
Principle of sufficient reason true 4468 pl 1975
PROPLAN true 4478 pl 1977
PSL true 4483 pl 1979
PUMPKIN true 4485 pl 1974
Q-GERT true 4486 pl 1979
REF-ARF true 4494 pl 1970
REGENT true 4496 pl 1971
SCALPEL true 4514 pl 1971
SEQUEL 2 true 4525 pl 1976
Sequential Pascal true 4526 pl 1970
SESPOOL true 4527 pl 1977
SIML/I true 4537 pl 1979
SIMUL true 4540 pl 1973
SL5 true 4543 pl 1975
SLPL true 4546 pl 1976
Smalltalk-76 true 4550 pl 1976
SNOBAT true 4553 pl 1976
SOLMAR true 4555 pl 1978
SPECL true 4557 pl 1973
STAGE2 true 4562 pl 1970
Standard Lisp true 4563 pl 1979
STAPLE true 4564 pl 1975
STRCMACS true 4568 pl 1977
STREMA true 4569 pl 1976
Very Tiny Language true 4575 pl 1976
xl true 4578 pl 1977
ARTSPEAK true 4587 pl 1974
ASPOL true 4589 pl 1973
CAJOLE true 4614 pl 1978
CLEAR true 4619 pl 1976
COMSKEE true 4624 pl 1973
CONSIM true 4629 pl 1977
CONSTRAINTS true 4630 pl 1978
CUPID true 4634 pl 1975
DAMN true 4635 pl 1970
DEL true 4638 pl 1971
DIET true 4643 pl 1975
EXEL true 4656 pl 1973
GERMINAL true 4670 pl 1974
GOSPEL true 4674 pl 1977
Grapheasy true 4677 pl 1975
GROOVE true 4679 pl 1970
HARVEY true 4681 pl 1972
HyCom true 4688 pl 1975
IMAGE true 4693 pl 1975
KATE true 4707 pl 1979
LOGAL true 4723 pl 1977
MARSYAS true 4737 pl 1970
META/PLUS true 4740 pl 1971
MPSX true 4746 pl 1978
OLIVER true 4760 pl 1976
One-man-language true 4763 pl 1977
Pascal-S true 4774 pl 1975
PIN true 4778 pl 1975
PIXIN true 4780 pl 1974
PL4 true 4783 pl 1974
PROPHET true 4789 pl 1974
QAS true 4795 pl 1978
QUADRIL true 4796 pl 1976
QUILT true 4799 pl 1970
REL English true 4806 pl 1975
ROSCOE true 4811 pl 1979
RUSSELL true 4813 pl 1970
SA true 4815 pl 1977
SEARCH true 4821 pl 1973
SIGMA 76 true 4825 pl 1976
SPIL true 4842 pl 1973
SQUARE true 4845 pl 1975

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