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StruQL - Query language

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StruQL is a query language created in 1999 by Mary Fernández and Dan Suciu and and Igor Tatarinov.

#1433on PLDB 25Years Old

A StruQL query is a function from a set of input graphs to an output graph.

Example from the web:
// Link root page to page of all accounts link Root() -> "Accounts" -> AccountsPage() // AccountsPage refers to each account in account database and its associated page { where (acct, name, street, city, state, zip) in SQL.query("AccountDB", "select acct ...") link AccountsPage() -> "Info" -> Info(acct), Info(acct) -> { "Acct" acct, "Name" name, "Street" street, "City" city, "State" state, "Zip" zip, "AcctPage" AcctPage(acct) }, AcctPage(acct) -> "Info" -> Info(acct) // AcctPage refers to non-zero usage records in the usage database. { where (date, dom is int, intl is int) in SQL.query("UsageDB", "select date ...", acct) dom + intl > 0 link AcctPage(acct) -> "UsageData" -> UsageData(acct), UsageData(acct) -> "Entry" -> UsageEntry(acct, date), UsageEntry(acct, date) -> { "Date" date, "Total" (dom + intl) } } // Query postal database to determine possible aliases for account { where XMLRoot{root}, root -> "addresses"."entry" -> addr, addr -> { "name" alias, "address"."street" street1, "address"."zip" zip }, street1 = street link Info(acct) -> "Alias" -> alias } }

Language features

Feature Supported Token Example
Comments ✓
// A comment
Line Comments ✓ //
// A comment
Semantic Indentation X

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