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Djot - Text markup language

< >

Djot is an open source text markup language created in 2022 by John MacFarlane.

Source code:
git clone
#482on PLDB 2Years Old

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A light markup language

Example from the web:
_italic_ *bold* `code` H~2~O 20^th^ {=highlighted=} {+underlined+} {-strikethrough-} $`p = mv` $$`E = K + U` Start a new paragraph with a blank line. > A blockquote {% look like this and can span multiple lines %} # Horizontal lines: *** --- Verbatim blocks: ``` $ tree . ├── aa │ └── foo.txt ├── bb │ └── bar.txt └── c.png ``` ```myLang func say-hello(nm) { print("hello ${nm}!"); } ``` Links: <> [read more]( [read this too][foo bar] [one more link][] ![beautiful skyline](clouds.jpg) ![coastal shores][shore] ![lush forests][] [shore]: the-beach.jpg [lush forests]: pines.jpg # Tables | Name | Size | Color | | --- | --- | --- | | lime | small | green | | orange | medium | orange | | grapefruit | large | yellow or pink |

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